Parent Testimonial
I was a student at Liahona Academy from June 2022 to August 2023.i chose to seek help, and I am glad I did. I was at the lowest point in my life. This place changed my life, and now I am happy with who I am and what I am accomplishing. It is not an overnight process, nor is it all that easy all the time, but no one wants to change if they are comfortable with where they are and what they are doing. Diamonds are formed under pressure. It pushes you to grow and become you're best self. I felt like I had a place where I was welcomed and belonged for the first time in years. I now work there, and I love my job, I care about the kids and hope they can change like I did. The program Is dependant on how much you want to change and how you behave. You create your own experience there. AlmaParent Testimonial
Liahona was our last hope and nothing short of a miracle for saving my son’s life. The Liahona approach allows customized care based on timing of each boy’s willingness to embrace the opportunity for real, lasting change. The Owner Clay along with Rich, Bear and Beverly were wonderful to work with! The Liahona Virgin campus team have built an amazing program with a successful track record and long-term results at treating the whole person, not just the symptoms of bad behavior/substance abuse, but dares to dig deeper uncovering root causes of the problems. My son was a complex case as he exhibited erratic and dangerous behavior along with lingering effects of substance abuse which could have ended his life on multiple occasions prior to admittance. The highly-structured environment with set “wake” and “lights-out” times, allows the boys to get into a healthy, balanced and predictable schedule resulting in a solid foundation to become the best versions of themselves and make the most of the program. The well-regulated agenda culminates dependable sleep patterns, individual and group therapy, chores, healthy and consistent meals, with time built-in for exercise, school, homework, faith (of any kind or none at all), personal growth, journaling and reading. Based on progress, working the program and meeting milestones, the boys can earn group outings that may include volunteering a chance to give back to the community, or a fun outing like bowling, hiking or trip to the lake, etc. The staff at the Virgin facility were simply amazing! I can’t thank Rich (Program Director) and Bear (our son’s Therapist) enough for their vision and “lead by example” approach to earn credibility, respect and have such a positive power of influence over the most challenging of behaviors. Bear was very honest that our son was one of the more complex cases he had seen and that he wasn’t sure if Liahona would be the “best fit” for him. Bear was absolutely remarkable in treating my son, from day 1, as a fully 100% capable individual and he saw through the façade of substance psychosis, anger, low self-esteem, manipulative and self-centered behavior. The value of the Liahona program incorporates a loving and supportive environment, patiently allowing each boy to come to their own realization and choose to begin the journey-cycle of initiating progress, resulting in gaining confidence, motivating them to work harder, embracing the courage to face adversity and proving to themselves they are capable of setting goals and exceeding expectations. The Liahona program results in building confidence, fueling motivation for more continued growth and is the recipe for achieving not only success in Liahona but prepares each boy for a successful life outside of Liahona in the real world. My son entered Liahona as a troubled boy and graduated the program as a confident young man, eager to work hard, face adversity, exceed every goal placed in front of him, fully equipped with the knowledge and desire to help others along the way. We couldn’t be more proud and are forever grateful to the incredible staff and program at Liahona for doing God’s work here on earth! Rebecca T.Parent Testimonial
This place gave us our son back. We are forever grateful for the staff and the love and time and knowledge they poured into our son. His future is bright because of them. MarissaParent Testimonial
12 years later I’m writing this review. I attended Liahona in 2012 and graduated. Was the best decision my parents could have made after exhausting all other options. I would have been dead or on the side of the road had I not been sent to Liahona. Since graduating I’ve got two Bachelor degrees and have been a nurse for 7 years. My relationship with my parents,friends, and significant others have all been positively impacted by Liahona. I just went back and visited and Clay and Parker are still the same guys they were today. They know what helps kids change their ways for good. You just have to trust them. The motto in Liahona is you do good you get good and that is the truth. Your kids will see why you did this post graduation and will be better family because of this place. TylerParent Testimonial
Thank you so much for opening your heart to Zach. We are humbled by the kindness and humanity of All Liahona. These most recent engaging & positive memories have been blazoned unto my soul! I / We are so blessed to have a second opportunity at Life with Zach. He is so bright and full of great ideas. The courtesy and respect he displayed was touchingly real. Thank you all so much do doing God's work. His affect now resembles the vibrant happy boy from long ago. With all my Love & Wishes, PaulParent Testimonial
To the Staff at Liahona: Thank you for giving back our son! This has been a long & painful year for our entire family. We have seen such tremendous maturity and confidence in our son now that he is home. We are so thankful to the entire staff. The graduation held on November 10th for our son was a gift for us all. Our family would like to be a part of the scholarship fund for kids who are not able to complete the program due to financial difficulties. We know how important it was for our son to be able to spend an entire year learning how to lead a healthy life. Liahona Treatment Center has an amazing team of people ready to care for your child. We saw first hand how much our son was cared for during his journey. Thank you does not begin to cover how grateful we are. Best regards, Robert & Heather C.Student Testimonial/College Essay
At three in the morning, I was picked up by two men to be taken to a school in Virgin, Utah. This Transport Team was hired by my parents to bring me safely to Liahona, a mental health residential treatment center for teens who had veered off the beaten path. I was shocked, angry, and sad but after a few months, I realized it was the best thing for me. My time at Liahona has transformed me from a lost and angry teenager to one who excels and finds success in the real world in a healthy way. I never imagined I would be sent to a place like Liahona Treatment Center. What led my parents to make this decision was the result of increasing bad choices on my part. Hanging out with the wrong crowd led to skipping school, which led to bad grades, all of which, in turn led to tearing apart my family. Hd those two men no come for me that October night in 2013, I would have continued down that path of destruction, never knowing the successes I’ve had as a result of being sent to Liahona. When I arrived in Utah, I was furious. Having entrenched myself with negative peers for so long, I thought my decisions at the time were normal. My parents thought differently, as did the staff at Liahona. I ultimately adapted to the intensive daily life structure, working in therapy groups to develop the tools to deal with negative influences, and mentally prepare myself for the outside world. I went from a person lacking academic motivation to someone who actually grew to enjoy school and find focus. Programs like Liahona are successful; I am living proof of this. I do realize, however, that I was fortunate that my parents provided the emotional and financial support needed to allow me access to this type of school. There is an enormous divide in the United States preventing low-income students with similar struggles from accessing adequate help. In December 2012 The New York Times featured an article titles “For Poor, Leap to College often ends in a Hard fall,” detailing the evidence of this financial divide and how it threatens of the future of troubled teens. The story of their lost footing is also the story of something larger - the growing role that education plays in preserving class divisions. “Everyone wants to think of education as an equalizer - the place where upward mobility gets started,” said Greg J. Duncan, an economist at the University of California, Irvine. “But on virtually every measure we have, the gaps between high- and low-income kids are widening. It’s very disheartening.” Liahona has started an Educational fund to help provide less affluent students with the financial support they need to attend. I see this as a small glimmer of hope in affecting the socioeconomic divide. Chris C.Testimonial from Kenny C. Guinn
Dear Liahona, "I recommend Liahona Treatment Center and Clay AhQuin to any parent struggling with a troubled teen. They are honest and sincerely concerned about the boys in their program. The staff are the most compassionate and caring people. Thank you for everything you did!" -Kenny C. Guinn Former Governor of NevadaStudent Testimonial
Liahona Treatment Center, "I just would like to say thank you so much for making me a better person and stronger than before… it is easy to say "no" to things now… I was able to tell those three people (old friends) that since they smoke, I won’t be hanging out with them any more because they can influence me and mess me up. Thank you so much for building up my work ethics, now my parents give me some chores, and it’s sooo easy and I do it right away." "My relationship with my family has changed. I do not argue anymore. If anything, I try to just listen to my parents. I eat at home now, sounds funny but in the past, I was never home to eat dinner. I also talk with my parents more now."
Student Testimonial
Dear Liahona, "I have been doing great. The relationship with my parents is totally different. They trust me and are willing to do so much for me." "I have found many new friends and yes a new girlfriend who is helping me stay strong and giving me total encouragement on my new life." "I gave your phone number to a friend who is going through some bad things, and told them to talk to you guys’ because you guys’ changed my life and I believe you could do the same for them. Speaking of friends, I miss all of you guys’ so much!" "I want to say thank you for everything you have done. I have my life back on track and I am starting college in January. Thank you for everything you have done for me, I owe you my life." With Love, Mike - from Georgia
Parent Testimonial
Dear Liahona, "If it was change we wanted, it was sure change we got. The wonders of it all pass all reasonable expression." "This is a person we have never known. Each of these past years we have lost more and more of Winston from 13, 14, 15, 16 – he had continued down a path we were oblivious of." "Now we were with a young man that we knew from a long ago past. One I might have dreamed of, but never knew could exist for me or my wife as a young adult. We cried a lot. Some silent tears, some open and warm. We kissed and hugged over and over for days." "Who could have thought it possible? We were fragmented and fully disconnected. We could no longer trust him or his actions or decisions while at home alone." "Today is hopeful beyond words. Our son is clear headed and clear eyed. There is no stopping his warmth or his love. He asks for no excuses only forgiveness. He wants only to achieve more, continue on his path, to not only be better now, but prepare himself for his life to come." "His respect is genuine, his needs are real." "We will be interwoven with you and our own emotions for years and years to come. My wife and I are so thrilled to be with the son we knew was lost and now is found." "Thanks for all the love you’ve given and time you’ve spent with Winston. You are remembered every time that boy smiles. Thanks for the gift of your friendship and the gift of my son back to me. You have my lifelong love and respect." Dwight Father of Winston - from FloridaParent Testimonial
"It is not an easy decision for a parent to place a child in someone else’s care and custody. After conducting two weeks of personal research, I chose Liahona as the best facility for my son’s needs." "I was very impressed at the progress that Nick has made while in your care, but more over at your staffs approach to treatment of his needs. Without the individual commitment of each of your staff members, Nick would not be in the position that he is today." "I feel that it was of utmost importance that he was given the opportunity to learn the skills, as it is vital to his ability to continue the behavior that has made his progress successful. Had I placed him in a facility that did not share the same approach in developing these skills, I feel Nick would not have made such progress.""Thanks again for your staff and ensuring that my decision to place Nick at Liahona was the right one." Sincerely, Susan P Mother of Nick - from Tennessee