What Can a Group Home Offer Your Teen?
Group homes offer assistance to teens and their families for a variety of reasons. These homes have around the clock supervision with professional staff and are designed to help your teenage son or daughter work through issues such as:- Drug and alcohol use
- Depression
- Prior trauma
- Low self-esteem
- Eating disorders
Schedules in Group Homes
With the 24/7 care provided in group homes, teens under the care of staff aren't directly coddled all day long - in fact, many homes have a structured schedule each day so that teens can begin to make changes that lead toward positivity and productivity. This could include continuing academic courses, meal prepping, one-on-one, and group therapy sessions, cleaning and similar chores, self-study time, counseling, fitness activities, and recreational activities. While the schedule might look different for each participant, the overall goal is to ensure the teens are safe and are moving in a positive direction toward making better lifestyle choices. According to Liahona Academy, some of the top benefits of enrolling your teenage son or daughter in a group home include:- One-on-one and/or group therapy and counseling sessions
- Academic achievements
- Treatment that is specific to your child and their particular needs
- New and refreshing surroundings
- Fitness classes
- Leadership development
Group Home: Yay or Nay?
With all of this information, you might feel a bit better about the support system that you can expect for your child at a group home. However, there might be some questions that you are asking in regards to whether or not a placement like this might be beneficial for your family. Some of the more pertinent ones that you need to ask yourself about your child's behavior can include:- Does your son or daughter ignore your rules and blatantly disobey, especially regarding curfew and when they should be home?
- Is your son or daughter abusing drugs or alcohol?
- Are you at the end of your rope with the options that you have tried in regard to getting your teen back on a positive track with their behavior?
- Do you feel as though you are tip-toeing around your teen in order to deflect any outbursts that might occur?
- Are you experiencing angry, aggressive, or risky mood swings from your child that could place them (or your family) in harm's way
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